Simply Charge
Download the latest Dayagreen App to find the nearest charging point quickly, charge easily and pay directly.

Register at Dayagreen application
Create your account by filling out details — name, email and phone number.

Find the Nearest Charging Station
Locate nearby charger locations with a simple search or browse the map

Convenient Charging
Our latest development provide you with detailed transaction through seamless interface

Choose your Payment Method
Various e-wallet options you can choose to top up your balance.

User Friendly App
Our help page to assist you if you have an issue on your charging session.
Why Choose Us?

Officially Permitted
We are government-approved electrical vehicle charging provider with official license.

Easy-to-Use Application
User-friendly application that enables real-time charging, monitor transactions and monthy report of power charged for both users and partners.

Partner Benefits
Provides reports on user traffic and Dayagreen Station Profits
Our Achievements
Empowering Success: Unveiling Our Remarkable Achievements.
Charging Station across
City Covered across
8 Provinces
Tons CO2 Emission